Team City First

Where Is Affordable Housing Being Developed in DC? Explore DCFPI’s New Interactive Map

The District has made substantial investments in affordable housing in recent years, though levels are still far short of what is needed. Where have those investments gone? And which income levels are being served? DCFPI’s new interactive map lets you explore affordable housing that has been newly created or preserved since 2015. The map uses a unique, comprehensive dataset complied by DCFPI. With the release of the map, this detailed, project-level data is available in one place for the first time.   LEARN MORE

The Future of Impact Investing is Local

THE FUTURE OF IMPACT INVESTING IS LOCAL September 21, 2018 / Key takeaways of the City First Community Development Finance Impact Forum/ Blog Why Local? Coffee & Conversation Brian Argrett, President and CEO, City First Bank The purpose of this event is to share insights and lessons learned that can pave the way towards economic equity. This forum is one of three events that will focus on specific topics in more depth instead of having one event. Who is in the room? Investment, think tank, government, corporate, and foundation leaders. City First has convened people across sectors to participate in…

CSR Matters: A Different Kind of Bank that Works for the community

A Q&A with Carl L. Hairston, Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer for City First Bank Close your eyes and imagine there was a bank whose mission was to create a society in which every individual, family, and community had the opportunity, access to capital, and resources to allow them to improve their well-being and prosper. LEARN MORE

Impact Investing with Lisa Green Hall

IMPACT INVESTING WITH LISA GREEN HALL September 27, 2018 / Q&A / Blog Lisa Green Hall is an industry pioneer at the forefront of place-based Impact Investing, serving as a Senior Fellow at both Georgetown University’s Beeck Center and Case Foundation. Taking on what she has learned from DC’s investing market, Ms. Hall recently joined City First Bank’s Board of Directors, where she provides strategic counsel, guidance, and oversight of the Bank. This week, Ms. Hall sat down with us to share her experience as an impact investor in the District. Read on for her take on “opportunity zones,” necessary…

Scaling U.S. Community Investing: The Investor-Product Interface

The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) is pleased to publish Scaling U.S. Community Investing: The Investor-Product Interface, in partnership with the Carsey School of Public Policy and with support from the Ford Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation. This report is designed to facilitate greater awareness and alignment of the needs of investors, product managers, and intermediaries in the U.S. Community Investing (USCI) field. READ MORE